St. Mary's Clonmel

Founded 1929

Co. Tipperary

Get to Know......Stephen Buckley

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1) Name: Stephen Buckley.

2) Age: 30.

3) Favourite Food: Enchiladas.

4) Favourite pastime outside sport: Making hurleys.

5) Favourite TV Programme: Parks and Recreation.

6) 3 people you would invite to dinner: Ron Swanson, Jimmy Diresta and Casey Neistat, all YouTubers, I watch more of it that I do TV!

7) Sporting hero: Eoin Kelly.

8) If you could attend any sporting event what would it be? I'd go back in time to the 2010 All Ireland hurling final or the 2011 football final, it was magic on the hill seeing so many lads from the club do so well in the minor final!

9) Best advice someone has given you: "Just be yourself" Brian Carroll 2010 - present.

10) Biggest hurling influence on your career: Dad always gave plenty of encouragement growing up along with all the Marys coaches I had over the years.

11) Most embarrassing moment on/off the pitch: I got knocked out in a minor championship game. I probably deserved it because I had missed a few frees before that!

12) Superstitions or match day routines: The same socks and shorts for matches, washed in between of course!

13) Favourite Marys player both past and present.

Past: Noel O' Mahoney.

Present: Ritchie Gunne.

14) Best Mary's game you saw/played in: 2011 South Intermediate final, it was the first Adult title we won in years and laid the foundation for the future.

15) Best part of playing with Mary's: The arguments over what time to start training on a Sunday morning!

16) Hopes for the season ahead: To get back playing!

17) What team do you look forward to playing against? The Swan.

18) Most important skill in hurling: Catching the ball in a crowd, something not enough people master!

19) Biggest moaner in the team/club: Matt Barlow when he hears training is on at 8 on a Sunday!

20) One to watch: Thomas Charles.

21) Have you a nickname: Bucks and I'm sure my students have some sort of nickname for me!

22) Gaa dislikes: I don't like that it is getting harder and harder for young people to play hurling and football. Especially at underage level.

23) What superpower would you want: To fly.

24) If there was a movie made of your life who would play you: Nick Offerman.

25) What would you do if you won a million euro: Travel the world and buy Marlfield pitch!

26) Best Fast food in town: Indian Ocean.

27) Worst trainer in the club: Tim Ryan, hasn't be able to train since he got the bees!

28) Most skillful: Ross Peters.

29) Favourite Watering Hole: Phil Carrolls.

30) Worst dress sense in the club: Tin Ryan often dresses like his bees!

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