St. Mary's Clonmel

Founded 1929



Club Sponsors - Urraitheoirí
Anseo i gCumann Naomh Mhuire táimid an-bhuíoch as an tacaíocht leanúnach agus as an síntiús airgid a fhaighimid ó lucht an ghnó thart timpeall ar Chluain Meala.  Déanaimid iarracht i gcónaí an pobal a spreagadh chun a gcuid siopadóireachta a dhéanamh go háitiúil, ionas go mbainfeadh gach éinne tairbhe as. 

Seo a leanas na comhlachtaí a thugann urraíocht dúinn trí fhógraíocht a chur ar na geansaithe nó ar na mórchláir fógraíochta cois-páirce. 


Here is St. Mary's we are extremely mindful and grateful to the many local businesses of Clonmel and further afield for the continuing financial contribution given to us. 

As a club we actively encourage our members to shop local and support the local economy which benefits the community as a whole.

The following companies are stakeholders with our club through sponsorship of jerseys and/or pitch side advertising.

Hotel Minella
Planet Playground
O Sullivan Insurances
Clonmel Credit Union
Lane O' Connor Accountants
James Whelan 
Elys Centra Old Bridge
Kerton's Garage 

John Kennedy Motors   
Paula Kearns Physio
Powers Paint Shop
Paul Tobin Butchers 
Clonmel Glass and Mirrors 
Joseph Nolan & Co. Solicitors  
Dalton Transport
Clonmel Waste Disposal 
Larry O Keeffe Furniture
Comeragh Service Station

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